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Breast Reduction in Plano, TX

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What is a Breast Reduction?

Excessively large breasts can cause physical and social issues for women. In addition, uneven and very large breasts can create self-confidence issues and embarrassment, as well as upper back, neck, and shoulder pain. Dr. Jeffrey Caruth in Plano, TX believes that breast reduction can help women regain their confidence and enjoy the life they want. This surgery at Beyond Beautiful removes excess breast fat and skin, as well as excess tissue to reshape the breasts to a more compatible size. Breast reduction surgery also reduces the size of the nipples and moves them so they are symmetrical with the new breast size. In most situations, a breast lift is performed to provide a more taut and youthful appearance.

What Are The Benefits Of Breast Reduction?

While breast augmentation remains very popular, many women struggle with the issues that overly large breasts can create. That's why Dr. Caruth offers breast reduction surgery in Plano, TX at Beyond Beautiful Cosmetic Surgery which provides both functional and aesthetic benefits to improve your look and quality of life, including:

  • Surgery is personalized for your unique needs
  • Reduces the size and weight of the breasts
  • Lifts the breasts for a perkier look
  • Improves breast shape and contour
  • Balances body proportions
  • Resizes large nipples
  • Makes physical activity and exercise easier
  • Relieves neck and back pain
  • Reduces discomfort and chafing
  • Boosts self-esteem and confidence

Do I qualify for a breast reduction?

If you suffer from excessively large breasts that interfere with daily life,  breast reduction may be what you need to achieve the contour you wish for. Breast reduction is helpful for women who find it difficult to live a fulfilled and active life because of the size of their breasts. If you also have consistent skin problems (as well as back or neck pain), breast reduction surgery can greatly diminish these medical conditions. It is crucial patients are at a stable weight.  Dr. Jeffrey Caruth understands patients' concerns and goals.

how is a breast reduction performed?

Surgical breast reduction is an outpatient process and is performed with general anesthesia. The timing of surgery depends on many factors, including what incision method is used, the overall reduction technique, and finally, the amount of tissue removal needed. The areola and nipple area repositioning is also a factor. At the time of the initial consult, all of these factors are addressed with Dr. Jeffrey Caruth. The potential for scarring is also thoroughly examined and talked through. Scar management is an important part of the aftercare of this procedure.  Depending on the intricacy of the size and overall reduction, either an anchor or a vertical incision will be used. Breast fat and tissue will then be removed, and the surrounding tissue and skin will be tightened.

What Can I expect After a Breast Reduction?

After surgery, our patients will be observed closely in the recovery room and then discharged home to begin the healing process.  A medical sports bra will be provided for a few days that will improve blood circulation to the breasts during the initial healing period. In a month or so, the breasts will naturally fall into position and the post-surgery effects will diminish.  Following surgical breast reduction, you can enjoy the clothes you have always wanted and feel enthusiastic about your new appearance. Keep in mind, it is important to maintain a healthy body weight so the outcomes are not negatively impacted.

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Breast Reduction FAQ

Can I breastfeed following a breast reduction?
Reduction surgery may affect your ability to breastfeed. While some women can still breastfeed after a surgical reduction, some cannot. It is difficult to predict whether your surgery will interfere with breastfeeding. Dr. Caruth recommends that patients be finished having children or be willing to not breastfeed before having breast reduction surgery.

Will my breasts regrow after surgery?
Following breast reduction surgery, your breasts may get bigger or smaller with significant weight changes. This is why it is better to be at a healthy, stable weight before your surgery that you can easily maintain. During your consultation, Dr. Caruth will talk to you about the best ways to prepare for your reduction and what you should do after to help make sure your results last.

Learn More About A Breast Reduction

Dr. Jeffrey Caruth thoroughly enjoys performing breast reductions and seeing the positive impacts they can make on patients. During the consultation at Beyond Beautiful, Dr. Jeffrey Caruth will go over all of the steps to reach your desired outcome and tailor a custom treatment plan to fit your needs. There is no reason to continue living with the discomfort or lack of confidence that can sometimes accompany large breasts. We invite you to call our office in Plano, TX to discover more about this  procedure.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.